Ocean freight

Innovation in ocean freight through technological advancement


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Ocean freight

Innovation in ocean freight through technological advancement

Ocean freight

Innovation in ocean freight through technological advancement

Ocean freight

Innovation in ocean freight through technological advancement

Exofex is a modern player in a traditional industry

Exofex started about 9 years back as a relatively small player in the container business. 900 containers they turned in the first year. Today they are responsible for shipping about 10,000 – 12,000 containers per year.

There has been rapid growth in recent years. Both in output, and in team members. One of the reasons that this company from Capelle aan den Ijssel keeps evolving? It is a modern player in a traditional industry. Exofex is innovating in the type of personnel policy, the high level of service and speed, among other things. Of course, their modern approach includes a modern system. In particular, to maintain speed, software is of the utmost importance. Consequently, the old system no longer sufficiently contributed to the company’s growth. It was time for something new. Via LinkedIn they came across Codeless and after the very first conversation, it was clear that this was the organization that could help Exofex.

The old system did not fit sufficiently

Sven Hoogerwaard (co-owner Exofex): “The layout of our old system was built on a road transport module and we work with an ocean freight module. Our transport is obviously by road, but mainly by water. And so by now the old system did not fit properly. Within the market, there are then a number of possibilities to purchase systems that are ready-to-use, but I always did not find in them what I was looking for. It all didn’t fit well enough and didn’t give me the space to go in the direction I wanted. Since we have been working with Codeless, I can develop whatever I want; unlimited and unrestricted.”

Now we have every possibility for further development

How those unlimited possibilities have been shaped for now? With the old system, there was a lot more manual work for the Exofex team. With the new system, the sales employees do not have to enter the rates into the system more than once a month, operational employees only have to enter data once. Hoogerwaard: “Sending an invoice used to take about 20 clicks. Since the arrival of the new software, we only need 3 clicks. Multiply that by 10,000 containers and one or two invoices per shipment and you understand that we now have much more room and opportunities to develop further as a company.”

Very good collaboration

Hoogerwaard is very enthusiastic not only about the outcome, but also about the road to it: “At Codeless we had the opportunity to work with a fantastic team. Those people are really knowledgeable. They can empathize and imagine what I am telling them. That ensured a very good collaboration. Moreover, they are always accessible and they like to think with you. For me, as an operational person, it can be difficult to make myself understood in IT language. But because of the skill and experience of Codeless, it still went very well”.

Easy transition from the old system to the new

Also very nice was the easy transition from the old to the new system. Hoogerwaard says, “Not much training was needed. It was quickly very clear to everyone.” The Exofex team picked up in no time how the system worked and where to find things back. Super intuitive, in other words! Hoogerwaard: “The system immediately felt very much our own. Together with someone else from our team, I had some explanation and training at Codeless in Dordrecht. Then, once back in the office, I threw everyone in the deep end. I indicated that we needed to transfer shipments, that they could just get started and that we were ready for questions. We didn’t have many of those. The transition was almost effortless.”

“Codeless has given us a digital tool that can run three times as many hours as our regular employees.”

Sven Hoogerwaard - co-owner EXOFEX

An end result that suits you best.

Lastly, what Hoogerwaard liked about the process with Codeless was the fact that frameworks were given. There was freedom, but the limitations of certain choices were also indicated. Hoogerwaard: “In the Codeless team there are people with a lot of knowledge. If the process with Codeless does not go as expected, I think you have to look for it in yourself. Codeless always thinks along with you and ensures that your new system is implemented in the way that suits you best. You are also well guided on your way to the desired end result that suits you best”.

Incredibly satisfied

Hoogerwaard: “10’s don’t exist. Certainly not in the beginning. You then build something together. It can never be perfect right away. But I am incredibly satisfied. It’s great how they pick up everything at Codeless. There is a fantastic team, both in Rotterdam and abroad. People often talk about these kinds of IT processes and that they don’t go well…..

Codeless has really shown the opposite.”

"People often talk about these kinds of IT processes and that they don't go well. Codeless has really shown the opposite"


Rating 9 / 10

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